I am offering TrumPutin as the name for this because the traditional tacking of 'gate' on
the end of a scandal's keyword is simply insufficient considering that this makes Nixon's
Watergate scandal seem like a ho-hum episode of People's Court by comparison.

It's not looking good for Trump and his cronies.
I got 50 bucks riding on him being out of office before 11:59:59 pm December 31 2017. I would
have bet 500$, but a quick review of what previous bad presidents have gotten away with
sobered me up. Plus, it usually takes a long time for things like this to play out.

The way it looks today, May 27th 2017, Trump and his entire administration are on their way to the
slammer for colluding with Russian spies to goof up the election and working for Russia's interests
instead of America's - actions that are usually refered to as 'treason'.

The entire lot marched off to the klink. Not a mere perp walk, but a perp parade!
IF we are lucky!
The wheels of justice had better spin way the hell faster than usual, because serious damage is
in progress RIGHT NOW!

Trump is appointing idiots, self serving billionaires and FSB operatives to ruin our agencies.
He is trashing our relations with our allies. He regularly blurts out sensitive top secret info.
He is cozying up to dictators. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump have already been to China to start
selling visas and condos, sweetening the sales pitch with hints of direct access to The Oval Office.

The news has been breaking at such a fast pace that when Trump had the world's newest dictator,
Turkey's 'president' Recep Tayyip Erdogan, over for a visit and let his thugs beat up American
citizens outside the White House, it was NOT the front page headline!

To give you some idea on how big this is, Rachel Maddow and her team have risen to the top
of the cable news ratings by diligently digging up the dirt on this story, connecting the dots,
following the thin threads that lead to more truck loads of dots and dirt.They've been doing
it since last year and never seem to run out of new stuff!

I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that we are at war and Putin is winning.
And it helps him 'bigly' that most of America doesn't even realize it. Even biglier, that
half the country will angrily deny that there is anything to the story. To them, its all a liberal
smear campaign started by the sore loser Hillary.

In my opinion this all started way back in 1986 when Trump probably got snagged in the ongoing
Kompromat operation the KGB ran to gain leverage over visiting people of influence. He was
in Moscow trying to make a deal to build a replica of Trump Tower there. It is highly unlikely
that the 40 y.o. megalomaniac millionaire playboy could resist the charms of the very fine KGB
prostitutes. How much of this has gone on since then with Trump himself and the people around
him will certainly be worth a chapter or 3 in future books about TrumPutin.

I believe Trump has a powerful threat of blackmail hanging over his head for embarrassing,
maybe even illegal acts, plus illegal financial activities, AND he is willingly participating for
his own gain. I believe he did not expect to win the election, but since he did, is going to play
it for all its worth. It's not a coincidence that he openly admires dictators. He is fantasizing
about becoming King of America just as Putin is King of Russia.


But Trump is just a puppet. Putin is running this show. The plan is to crash the economy,
disable the military, crack open our intel organizations, and generally ruin as much of America
as possible. We were already divided, thanks to the GoP and their propaganda partners,
so he only needed to drop his puppet into the gap and make him stomp & kick & flail his arms.

The end result will be America knocked off the highest perch, the dollar no longer the international
currency and Putin free to persue his global ambitions. Any Trump family members that aren't dead
or in prison will be selling off our assets to the oligarchs of the world, especially Putin and his gang.

If you think I'm nuts, just look at everything The Donald has done since taking office.


Written, Directed & Produced by Vladimir V. Putin & The FSB

Sets, lighting, cinimatography: Rupert Murdoch & company

Main Players
Donald J. Trump & his merry band of media clowns, Micheal T. Flynn, Rex Tillerson,
Paul J. Manafort, Sergey Kislyak, James B. Comey, Jeffrey Sessions, Sally Yates,
Eric Prince, Carter Page, Wilbur Ross, Felix Sater, Roger J. Stone, Tevfik Arif,
JD Gordon, Alex Shnaider, Pareet Bararra, H.R. McMaster, Sergei Lavrov, John Kelly,
Hillary Rodham Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama, Rod Rosenstein, Robert Mueller.

Supporting Roles
Election - Winners

Addison Mitchell McConnell, Paul Davis Ryan, the Republican Party, Fox Cable News and
the entire right wing media.

Election - Bunglers
Debbie Wasserman Schultz & the Democratic Party, the entire main stream media,
Hillary's campaign team.

Bit Players, Cameos, 'Notable Presence'
Bernard Sanders, John Ellis 'Jeb' Bush, Rafael Edward 'Ted' Cruz,
Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, Alexander Hamilton, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

Special Thanks to the Republican voters of America from Vlad Putin: The plan has succeeded
beyond my most optimistic expectations. Gratitude & congratulations! Continue please!



How much of the Republican party will be dragged down with Trump? They have already proven
themselves to be complicit in the conspiracy, at the very least by turning a blind eye and
hindering the investigation. To this day, they continue to push the idiotic 'I see no evidense' meme,
so 2018 is likely to be a reeeeeelly bad year for them.

Pence is going down with Trump and the Democrats may have the House majority next year, so
depending on the sequence of events, Nancy Pelosi could become the first female American President!

This has exposed a number of critical weaknesses in our system. For pocket change, relative to the cost
of a physical war, Putin bypassed our military & intel organizations and gained control of the highest
office in the world. Even if The Supreme court takes the extraordinary step of nullifying the election,
placing Hillary Clinton in office, rehiring everybody Trump fired and reversing everything he has done,
there will still be a big ugly scar. America's standing in the world order will remain diminished.
We have lost a great measure of trust with our allies and our adversaries know we can be duped,
tripped up, undermined, infiltrated, etc. How long until Kim Jong Un, or just some billionaire drug
lord decides to study Putin's play book and try it himself?


As I'm about to publish this - May 29th 2017, Memorial Day, Jared Kushner has been asked to
lay low because of the revelations of him & Flynn trying to set up a secret communication link
to Putin back on December 2nd. And our NATO allies are publicly stating that America can no
longer be relied upon for support or leadership - the result of Trump's overseas trip.

I will occasionally update this page with major news, but not every little development because
theres likely to be way too much. I suggest you watch Rachel Maddow, read the Washington Post
and the New York Times every day to keep up. I also like to check in on Fox once in a while
to see how they are spinning and denying all this in the GoP alternate reality echo chamber.


Even as some of the less bogus news readers on FCN are openly objecting to the constant lying of
Trump's mouthpieces, Sean Hannity, his fellow right wing commentators, the dumbest Congressmen
and the stupidest Senators are foisting a framework of deception upon us that there's nothing to
investigate. The stale old 'There's no there there' is regularly belched up. 'It's just the left wing
liberal media playing it up for ratings'. 'But look what the Clintons did'. 'There's no law against it'.
'Fake news from the destroy Trump media'. And my fave - 'a big nothingburger'.


A few weeks ago revelations of Donald Jr's involvement in the collusion began to add the orange glow
of fire to the billowing black clouds as he admitted more and more concerning a meeting he set up
between himself, Jared Kushner, Paul Manafort and Russian operatives at Trump Tower.

He was forced to revise his story 4 times in 4 days about the June 2016 meeting as The New York
Times published further details. Then, within hours of his statement right to Hannity's face that
"this is everything", another Russian operative is proven to have attended the meeting.

In spite of that, last night, Monday July 17th, after yet another Russian attendee is
identified, Hannity enthusiasticly repeated a story created by another Fox propagandist that the
entire meeting was set up by Hillary to entrap Trump!

oCToBeR 30 2017

Paul Manafort and his biz partner Rick Gates were indicted today on 12 counts including 'conspiring
against The United States'. It was also revealed today that Trump campaign advisor George Papadopoulos
secretly pleaded guilty 3 weeks ago to lying to the FBI and has been co-operating with the
investigators. Trump, the House and Senate GoPs, Fox 'News' and the entire GoP propaganda machine
have been desperately trying to distract the nation for several weeks by resurrecting the debunked
Uranium 1 Deal from 7 years ago.

JaNUaRY 22 2018

Payed the 50 bucks last week. Not that I can really afford it, but I didn't have anywhere near
enuff for the mortgage anyway, so got it over with.

It's fitting that the government shutdowm began on the anniversary of Trump's inauguaration. A
testament either to his utter incompetence or Putin's skill.

The December revelation that Micheal Flynn pled guilty to lying to the FBI, (and there are more and
worse charges that he can still be hit with) and has been co-operating with Meuller must have
been a severe shock to Trump and his co-conspirators. They now know that they are doomed. The
Republicans can not continue to protect them much longer and will eventually realize they are
flirting with their own charges of treason.

The above link is to Anderson Cooper on Youtube from the night the news came out. It is followed
by more videos on the same subject from about the same time. They make it clear that Flynn's plea
is damning proof that Trump and all his people were constantly lying about Russian contacts.
Proof that they are hiding something even worse than the felony of lying under oath to the FBI,
Congress and The Senate. Something so bad that Trump was willing to risk impeachment and prison
to protect Flynn by firing Comey. "No contacts whatsoever" has been replaced with "No collusion".

At this time, it is looking like the main charges will be about Trump's long term involvement in
Putin's money laundering operations. But it seems to me that it must be much bigger than that since
guys like Jeff Sessions, Devin Nunes and other relative newcomers to Trump's circle are committing
perjury and otherwise implicating themselves in treasonous activities.

And since Mitch McConnel, Paul Ryan and most of the other Republicans are STILL attempting to
sweep it under the rug they are desperately weaving, even tho they surely know more than us
about it, I worry that the situation is so far gone that it's too late for any legal proceedures.
The entry in my How Stupid Are We? Wordpress blog - It's Big And It Stinks - is
looking more realistic all the time.

JULY 26 2018

You have to credit Trump with stamina. He has kept up the pace of outrageous action unabated, dominating
the news since beginning his campaign. He has a talent for generating new stories to distract us from
his treason. Whenever a damning revelation comes out of Mueller's investigation, Trump or one of his
gang do something to at least use up some airtime, if not totally divert the media for as long as
possible. Any one of the epic number of scandals created by EPA chief Scott Pruitt would have gotten him
fired immediately by a real President, but, in Trump's eyes, he did a fantastic job. He finally resigned
early this month, probably secretly recieving a bonus rather than the prison time he deserves.

The latest distraction was the mass kidnapping project of refugee children at the Mexican border.
It's being played for all its worth as The Donald puppet started a trade war with all our allies, called
off joint US/S.Korea military exercises, insulted our allies at international conferences, called for
Russia to be readmitted to the G7 (8), and capped it off with a private meeting and pants down
press conference with his master.


Even as the word treason is being spoken openly more & more frequently, as conspirators are indicted
and jailed and Trump openly serves America's adversary, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnel sit by as
GoP lawmakers do their best to hinder the investigation. Today, 11 Congressmen filed an impeachment
against Rod Rosenstein. It supposedly has no chance of success, but considering everything else
that shouldn't happen but has lately, don't bet on it. Make no mistake about it - our nation is being
torn down, so now is not the time for incredulity and apathy.

AUGUST 29 2018

Last week Cohen pled guilty to 8 counts in Manhatten and Manafort was convicted on 8 counts in Virginia at
exactly the same time. Cohen implicated Trump in his plea and is volunteering all sorts of info. Manafort
tried to make deal after the verdict, but failed. He has another trial in Washington on September 24th.

Rick Gates, Michael Flynn, George Popadopoulis, and probably several more pled guilty long ago and have
been filling in any blanks left in the story for Mueller's team, so it's hard to imagine what could be left.
Unless the conspiracy has a whole 'nuther level to it that hasn't been revealed to the public, they must
be working on making the case so air tight that nobody involved will have a prayer of escaping.

It feels like we are getting close. Mueller knows alot more than everybody besides the conspirators and
there's more than enuff in the public domain to lock them up.

> Devin Nunes has continued to work on his hopeless cover-up. With the mid-terms only a few months
away, you'd expect him to be back home trying to fool his constituents that he is working for them,
but no. Instead, he went to London trying to get dirt on Christopher Steele! Embarrassingly, the British
intel agencies refused to meet with him, so all he managed to do was waste taxpayer's money and show off
his Putin tattoo in another country.

> Michael Avenatti continues to press forward on his civil case against Trump. It's very likely he will win
the 20,000,000$ defamation lawsuit for Stormy Daniels and continue the attack with cases for at least 3
other women who have been molested by Trump.

> Omarosa is on a media blitzkrieg promoting her tell-all book against Trump. She turned down a 15,000$
per month do-nothing-say-nothing 'job' with the Trump Organization. Good move, because UNHINGED is
the New York Times #1 best seller this week.


Rachel Maddow to the rescue! The conspirators are working diligently to consolidate
their power. If you had any doubts about the Republican Senators and Congressmen being in on it,
their unanimous vote to confirm an obvious apparatchic should dispel them. There is now no question that
they will also confirm Kavenaugh to the Supreme Court.

It is becoming clear that, if elected, I will be spending most of my time cleaning up the mess Trump is making,
but a more important job will be to reinforce America's vital institutions. It has been all too easy for Trump
to destroy and pervert them. There needs to be some mechanism to keep future bad Presidents from doing
so much damage, even if they have their Party in control of the Senate and Congress.

'Like a bull in a china shop'.
How about we close down the china shop and open a tractor tire warehouse instead?


They are winning. Moscow Mitch has blocked any attempt to prevent Russia from working on the 2020
election. The Fox echo chamber has half the country believing that the 2016 interference was a plot
by Obama, Hillary, the 'Deep State' and the Democratic party to ruin Trump whether he won or not.
Trump is trying to get Russia back in the G8.

Meanwhile, the Democrats are squandering their control of Congress, living up to their reputation of
lameness. Thru inaction, they are staking the existence of our nation on winning the next election.

For all practical purposes, Vladimir Putin is the CEO of the United States of America.
He will not give his position up without a fight, but he does not need to worry,
nobody is putting up a fight.


Found a handy timeline of Trump's Russia connections all the way back to the 80's.
Wikipedia - Timeline of Russian interference

Makes it easier to debunk the latest propaganda.

horizontl line

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FRST PUBLIsT, MA 30 2017
